Created With A Purpose


No matter what God has called you to do, He has already wired you with the parts to accomplish the purpose for which you were created.  There are times we find ourselves misdirected and filling purposes we were never created to fill.  Truth is, God had the blueprint in mind before He began to form you or me in our mother’s womb.  We are no different from Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 1:4-8), and therefore, need to understand some things as it concerns our purpose: #1 God chose you, like Jeremiah, “before” He put His hands to work forming you and me in our mother’s womb.  In Hebrew the word “formed” carried the meaning of a potter molding clay. In other words, God formed (molded) you and me.  In that process, He knew exactly what use He had for us.  #2 The word of the Lord “came” to Jeremiah.  Stop looking for people to affirm and confirm your purpose and to validate you. Who are “they” in the grand scheme of things anyway? Failing to answer the call to fulfill your God-ordained purpose based upon the affirmation of other people will not be an excuse when you meet your Maker. Don’t highlight what others have identified to “disqualify” you because God has already qualified you.  #3 He set you apart for this work. You are one of a kind to God with a unique and specific purpose that only you can fill (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). Do not allow the enemy to use fear to keep you stagnant and motionless.  You were made for this.

When we realize how special and useful we are to God, we would not be so quick to allow anyone or anything hinder us.  So go ahead and get moving. God has set you up for success (Jeremiah 1:8).

Further Study:  Psalm 139:15-16

Written By:  Pastor Sherita G. Adams